40 Degrees Younger Age Reversal Combo Kit

Model No. : LG-40D

Regular price: $169.99

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Age reversal, cell renewal, improved skin tone and elasticity, age spots diminished, potent anti-oxidants reduce free radical damage . . . now for the first time, the results you want from your face products are specifically formulated for your hands and neck!

40 Degrees Younger has been developed specifically for application to the hands and neck; recognized by dermatologists as being the two most difficult areas of the body to treat and to conceal your age.

40 Degrees Younger will help to . . .

  • Give your skin a glow and a more youthful, healthy appearance
  • Treat the detrimental effects of photoaging
  • Increase your skins opacity by stimulating production of collagen
  • Reduce, and in most cases, eliminate age spots (also called liver spots)
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Reduce or eliminate fine wrinkling
  • Improve skin tone, color and clarity
  • Moisturize skin from the inside by protecting bound water in tissue
  • Stimulate the skin’s immune response to counter the effects of free radical damage
  • Restore the health and integrity of the skin

Our 40 Degrees Younger Premium Combo Kit includes:

– 1 Ounce of Age Reversal Serum for Hands and Neck

– 1.96 Ounces Transform Day Cream for Hands and Neck

Women over 40 continue to search for answers to help reduce the appearance of aging skin. With all the time and money invested by women to look younger, even to the point of surgically altering their face and body, an answer still hasnt been found for aging hands and the neck two areas where a womans age cannot be concealed and are also the most difficult to treat. Until Now!

40 Degrees Younger with QStan/D, a rare custom-formulation of de-aging ingredients, has been developed specifically for the hands and neck. 40 Degrees Younger has introduced two extraordinary products for women who are approaching 40, just turned 40, or have blazed their way beyond 40 so no longer do women over 40 have to worry that their hands and neck show their true age! By incorporating 40 Degrees Younger into a regular beauty care regimen, women will navigate their way to more youthful-looking skin.

Who Developed 40 Degrees Younger?

With a background in medical research, a career in the pharmaceutical industry and a journey into clinical dermatology, Stanley J. Neigut uncovered technology proven to be effective in treating aging skin, as well as several other types of skin disorders. This unique proprietary combination of enzyme catalysts, nutrients, anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidents, known as QStan/D, has been clinically established to significantly improve the skins appearance. The properties of QStan/D, found in no other product on the market, has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin to positively impact the cells powerhouse, the mitochrondria DNA, resulting in healthier and younger-looking skin!

Even with todays advanced state of biotechnology, no solution has been discovered that will prevent aging. The truth is, we all age and expecting to find the fountain of youth, will only leave you disappointed! We cannot stop the aging process, but we can slow it down and even reverse some of the signs of aging. There are two types of aging: chronological or intrinsic and external or extrinsic. Chronological aging is unstoppable time marches on! But, external aging can most definitely be slowed and even reversed with the use of 40 Degrees Younger Age Reversal Serum and Transform Daycream, regardless of ethnicity.