How the Machine Works (Click Here)

What is ArthriFon ?

An ArthriFon Vibroacoustic (Bio Sound) therapeutic medical device works by generating sound vibrations (energy), using microprocessor, in varying frequencies and through small headphone-like devices (transducers), called vibraphones emitted that sound energy to the joints for alleviation of pain.

ArthriFon consists of three major parts

1.The device itself

2. Two or four vibraphones (transducers) connected to the device, and

3. A power supply.

On the front panel, there are:

Two switches: left Mode switch and right Power switch

A “Start/Stop” push button, and

An red indicator “LED” light.

The “Mode” switch

The left Mode switch has two positions: Position “1” and “2” .

Each position of Mode switch has a different regimen to deliver sound energy to the human body.

The left switch Mode , position “1” is used for preventive (maintenance) treatment with duration of about 15 minutes. This treatment regimen mostly have high frequency passes ending with five short beeps at 400 Hz.

The left switch Mode , position “2” is used for standard treatment with duration of about 35 minutes. The Standard treatment regimen starts with number of cycles of low frequency passes, followed by high frequency passes continued again by a low frequency passes. Application ending with five (5) short beeps at 400 Hz.

The “Power” switch

The right Power switch has two positions: Position “H” – High power and Position “L” – Low power.

The right ” Power switch in Position “H- High power used for large and medium joints such as: shoulder. elbow, wrist, foot, heel, hip, knee, ankle also for back and neck pain. You can use it for carpal tunnel syndrome too. The maximum amplitude of vibraphone’s micro vibrations is around 300 microns, (The right Power switch Position “H”) and changes during application.

The right Power switch in Position “L” – Low power used for small joints such as: hand and fingers or anyone who is uncomfortable with high power. For any person weighting below130 lbs we recommend to start with at Low power too and later switch to High power position, if tolerated. The maximum amplitude of vibraphone’s micro vibration is around 120 microns (The right Power switch Position “L”) and changes during application.

The “Start/Stop” button

“Start/Stop” button is used to “Start” and to “Stop” the application. After pressing, “Start/Stop” button, the device will stop automatically when time is runs out.

The user can stop the application at any time by pressing the “Start/Stop” button again at any time.

The front “LED” light serves only as a visual indication that the device is working; in the event the patient cannot hear the sound.

How the Machine Works (Click Here)